"You are not alone dear loneliness. You forgot but I remember this". Cryptic, but poignant. We all know that our world is in a state of upheaval (at least the ones without blinders on their eyes), and maybe a bit of upbeat defiance can help.
"There's a world out there. Don't you deny it. Give it one last wish" I won't sit hear and attempt to break down the love I feel for this album. Is it enough to say that with many thousands of songs to choose from, I choose to listen to these 13 over and over again. I guess I do it with many albums, but Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace surprised me and brings out great feelings of joy at the same time as I take a hard look at the world. Like what the Daily Show allows me to do. Thank you, Foo Fighters.
There is such great beauty in the world, and such ugly violence and hate, and yet it is all part of this vessel, earth. There is no good without evil, so much of the writing I have read has stated. The yin and the yang. So what does this mean to the state of the world? Have we, mankind, doomed this little blue, green, and white ball to wither because we can't seem to find a balance with this vessel we have been set to steward. We have upset the balance, and we are tipping this planet. Is it too late to right the course? I don't know, but we can ONLY act as if we can. If we don't act as if we can, then it will not happen. Do we really ONLY need to beleive, and we are not? Are we really waiting for Neo<-(see if you can read this jump in logic)? Or are we really supposed to somehow ALL make the jump in belief?
So I will make a few little observances of the album. David Grohl seems to be staving off the celebrity worship that is in place in 'Statues'. "We're just ordinary people, you and me". Both placing the listener with him, and at the same time saying that time will solidify us in only memory in the end. "Time will turn us into statues, eventually"
Even the instrumental, the Ballad Of The Beaconsfield, is beautiful.
Defiance: "My time has come, this means war." - Bonus track, 'Once And For All'
If you read this message and want to hear the album, go out and grab this off the Internet(s) for testing purposes. Let me know if you don't know how. Then buy it when you see the band at a show. Or listen to clips of it here, once it is released: Foo Fighters Official Site.